Exploring the Potential of ChatGPT in Contact Centers

AI is having a huge impact and revolutionizing the world of industry and business. Generative AI led by ChatGPT, AI has spread widely, and its acceleration is unstoppable. A wave of AI is also coming to customer contact points, that is the focus of this article.

In this article, we will look at AI and generative AI, which are becoming increasingly popular among general customers, through the context of customer contact points.

What is AI?

AI is artificial intelligence, and in a nutshell, humans let machines and computers learn, and based on that learning, machines and computers perform tasks related to human intelligence . AI learns data, finds rules, and uses them to predict new information. For example, face recognition technology recognizes a person’s face by having a computer learn a large number of facial images and analyzing the images to find their features.

When many people hear AI, they may think of actual robots, but chatbots like Siri, Alexa, and other voice assistants on smartphones, and self-driving cars are also examples of AI.

There are various types of AI, and generative AI is one of them, but what all AI have in common is that they use data and algorithms to make decisions faster than humans can. can solve the problem.

AI usage in Business

AI adoption in businesses is increasing really quickly. For example, automation of simple tasks , real-time response guidance for customer inquiries, etc. have already been introduced in many places. AI is attracting a great deal of attention because it offers significant benefits to companies, such as cost savings, improved customer experience by reducing waiting times, and increased productivity of employees and clerks.

Research by McKinsey reports rising levels of investment in AI. Five years ago, 40% of companies that responded that they were using AI said they were spending more than 5% of their digital budgets on AI, but by 2022, more than half of the companies said they spend the same level of percentage on AI.

AI has the potential to increase
profitability by 38%

There is no doubt that AI can become a major weapon for corporate growth through strategic use. The company recognizes that. It can be said that this is why the number of companies that have introduced AI, or that are considering introducing it, is increasing.

AI for Customer Contact

Many companies are deploying conversational AI instead of chatbots. Unlike traditional chatbots, conversational AI can connect to a vast amount of knowledge to pull the optimal answer to a customer’s question.

AI for Support

AI can also be a useful partner for sales teams. In particular, it helps reduce employee stress when dealing with severe complaints from customers or dealing with negative comments such as dissenting opinions.

Customers ask a wide variety of questions. In addition to pricing, they bring up information about competitors and ask specific questions about product features and services. Support Reps. in conversations involving these complex contexts. There are also assistive features, such as popping up the best answer from connected knowledge sources in real time.

AI for Customer Satisfaction

Real-time sentiment analysis by AI makes it possible to understand customer sentiment during phone calls.

For example, if a customer has a negative emotion such as anger, AI will immediately detect it. They can then report back the content of the correspondence call to their supervisors in order to provide the customer with appropriate action. By leveraging AI capabilities like these, companies can provide quick and effective customer support, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

AI for Reducing Call Volume

If you can get satisfactory answers to your customers’ concerns on the FAQ page, you can reduce the overall call volume and reduce the burden of responding to inquiries.

By combining IVR-based voice guidance with an AI chatbot, the system can automatically interpret the meaning and context of a question expressed in a single expression, and guide customers to the FAQ page more efficiently . This will also lead to an understanding of customer inquiry needs and an understanding of latent needs that have not surfaced in the past.
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